Spotlight 2021

Climate Change Global Game

Teamfoto von «Climate Change Global Game»

We do a game, because the situation is serious

"Climate Change Global Game" is a collaborative board game based on scientific data and the goals defined by the Paris Climate Agreement.

The game was developed by a multidisciplinary research team, including a philosopher, a geologist, a computer scientist and a designer from the University of applied sciences and arts of Southern Switzerland.

The game was developed with educational and training purposes. It aims to raise awareness and inform a wide audience about the climate crisis through an interactive, playful and engaging tool. 
Designed for students and board game enthusiasts aged 15 and over, Climate Change Global Game aims to provide a realistic picture of the impact of CO2 on global temperature trends, while conveying the severity of the climate crisis by simulating its effects.

In this way, the game encourages reflection, on the basis of data and forecasts accredited by the UN, on the impact of energy choices on climate change. 
But in addition to this, the game's most ambitious educational objective is to help players understand the complexity of ecological transition, which goes beyond the scientific aspects. 
Players are therefore called upon to deal with fundamental economic and social aspects of their choices.

In the perspective proposed by Climate Change Global Game, the enormous challenge that awaits us can only be met if the goals of ecology are achieved through collaborative policies and solidarity-based choices, developing not only a sustainable economy, but also a sustainable society. 
There is no future for the planet if we do not create, along with a sustainable world, a fairer world.

Erstes Bild von «Climate Change Global Game»
CCGG - the board
Zweited Bild von «Climate Change Global Game»
CCGG - the rulebook
Drittes Bild von «Climate Change Global Game»
CCGG - crisis cards
Mission Model Canvas